Illustrating in Ink

Illustration is probably one of my weakest areas as a designer. 
Last year I chose an elective called ‘Drawing 1B’, hoping to improve my basic illustration skills. I am not going to lie, I hated it at first. I found it really hard to let go and, as my tutor described it, to draw 'only what you see and not what you think you see'. 
During the course I realised I was more of a pen than a pencil person (stationary is a seriously uncool obsession of mine). But interestingly whilst using a pen, because there was no option of rubbing out any mistakes all my hesitations and worries went away and I just had to... draw.
We made an ‘artists book’ and I combined studies of movement (of animals) with attempts to portray perspective through drawing piles of books.  I used pen throughout- a big risk for an assessed piece. But I was so pleased with the results because the images were real- in that I didn't over think them and natural mistakes became part of the art rather than being erased in shame. 
This discovery of pen as my perfect drawing tool was huge within my studies in fashion. I always use one now when developing design ideas because I feel no restriction and my ideas can just flow. 
Yes, pens are great for making doodles when you're on the phone, but they are worthy of a lot more respect as a real aid to designing.


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